Dublin, 11th January 2022
This January marked the completion of the first cohort of fellows from our first call after am exciting two-year period conducting their research in one of the institutions affiliated to the programme. The first fellows to have joined the programme, Dr. Beyza Yaman (DCU) and Dr. Mohammed Al-Rawi (TCD) have successfully completed their ELITE-S Fellowships.
Dr. Beyza Yaman was based in DCU under the supervision of Assist. Prof. Rob Brennan and Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi) as secondment host. She carried out the project “LinkedDataOps” – Linked Data Operations Based on a Quality Process Cycle Inspired by DevOps. During her fellowship, Dr. Yaman has been invited to be a guest editor for a Special Issue on “Semantic Spatial Web”; engaged with GOFAIR/GOinter implementation workshops (framework towards making data Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable – FAIR), and has authored several papers on ontology, and Standards Conformance Metrics for Geospatial Linked Data, directly contributing to the advance of standardization activities in her field. Dr Yaman now moves on to a new postdoc position in Trinity College Dublin.
Dr. Mohammed Al-Rawi was based in TCD under the supervision of Prof. Dave Lewis. His project: “Digital Data Organisation and Exchange in Fashion” aimed at ICT Standard to support the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in fashion and related clothing industries. During his fellowship, he has contributed extensively to ISO standards such as Ireland national position on ISO/IEC DTR 24030, and actively participated in the NSAI Mirror committee NSAI as part of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42. He has also moderated and facilitated discussions at AI: Ethical Challenges in the Digital Age. Dr. Rawi is now exploring avenues for industry collaboration and start-up in his field.
We are very proud to have supported them during these 2 years and helped them achieve their career goals by providing them with the knowledge and tools necessary for their development. Due to the pandemic, a face-to-face farewell wasn’t possible, so we hosted an online one instead (picture below). We wish them both a lot of success.
Check out the details on their projects here.
The ELITE-S Fellowship Programme is co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 801522